Armor of Lies Part 2. All safety data was discarded and they never did safety testing, because it was clearly causing harm. - https://rumble.com/v1dyk9p-armor-of-lies-part-2-an-abomination-of-medicine.html

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Does spike protein get into the nucleus? Some studies say yes and some say no. What is going on?

Joomi digs into this subject. https://joomi.substack.com/p/does-spike-protein-get-into-the-nucleus

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Ryan Cole on how to identify a person killed by the COVID vaccine - https://rumble.com/v1fsq9h-ryan-cole-on-how-to-identify-a-person-killed-by-the-covid-vaccine.html

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700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vax by 2028 – Dr. David Martin Link: https://rumble.com/v1acoaa-up-to-100-million-will-die-from-cv19-vax-by-2028-dr-david-martin.html

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I have written most of this article before at Saidit. You can find more links and references there. I try to keep it up to date. Link: https://saidit.net/s/VaccineSkepticism/comments/8f7w/how_the_covid_experimental_vaccines_cause_damage/

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Bravo. You’ve covered the topic from many angles and offered potential solutions. Without a science background but enduring a near fatal DVT in my early 20s, I saw through the scam before the ClotShots were released. I tried to warn others to no avail.

God bless you.

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Jessica Rose - Breaking Down mRNA: Understanding DNA Contamination and VAERS Data 18/07/2024 -> https://rumble.com/v57j5oq-breaking-down-mrna-understanding-dna-contamination-and-vaers-data-18072024.html

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Scientists Stunned by First Proofs of Contaminated DNA getting absorbed into Human Cells

"These cells did not merely interact with the vaccines but absorbed them, incorporating foreign DNA into their very structure" - https://www.aussie17.com/p/scientists-stunned-by-first-proofs

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Prof Norman Fenton: We've called out the statistical illusion whereby a useless vaxx against a disease seems highly effective if those infected shortly after vaxx are classed as unvaxxed. New paper with @MartinNeil9 @LawHealthTech shows how widespread this 'cheap trick' is for covid vaxx studies



"Our review identified the following five types of the miscategorisation selection bias:

(a) Miscategorisation: During the arbitrarily defined period the vaccinated are categorised as unvaccinated, twice vaccinated categorised as single vaccinated, or boosted categorised as twice vaccinated (e.g.: Buchan et al, 2022; Stock et al, 2022).

(b) Unverified: Participants whose vaccination status is unknown or unverified are categorised as unvaccinated (e.g.: Rosenberg et al, 2021; Lyngse et al, 2022b).

(c) Uncontrolled: Participants are allowed to self-administer or self-report their vaccination or infection status, became unblinded or sought vaccination outside the study (e.g.: Angel et al, 2021; Wu et al, 2023).

(d) Excluded: Participants who are vaccinated but who become infected or died during the arbitrarily defined period are neither categorised as unvaccinated or vaccinated but are instead simply removed from analysis (e.g.: Tabarsi et al, 2023; Heath et al, 2023);

(e) Undefined: The authors of the study fail to provide definitions for either or both vaccinated and unvaccinated cohorts (e.g.: Bermingham et al, 2023b; Nordstrom et al, 2022). Table 1 lists the incidence and frequency of use for each type of miscategorisation selection bias in Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness research studies.

Use of the arbitrary miscategorisation type was ubiquitous, identified in 100% of the reviewed studies. Further, nearly one-third (31%) also used one or more of the other types of bias."

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NOW - Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan Shares a Summary of the DNA Contamination Found in the COVID mRNA Vaccines & Preliminary Evidence of DNA Integration

"The fact checkers who told you this DNA won't get into the cell are proven wrong by this data. We can see DNA in there. It's a very high copy number...We've also found two genome integrations. This has not been replicated like all of our qPCR data, so this is very early, but we have fusions of DNA between the spike sequence and Chromosome 12 and between the spike sequence and Chromosome 9. This needs to be confirmed with long read sequencers where we can span the entire integration event...But we shouldn't be seeing any of this...So a little bit more validation to do in this but still a little bit concerning."


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Dr. Naomi Wolf is joined by three leading cancer experts to reveal the latest takeaways and updates on 'turbo cancer.'


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COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere


There can be little doubt that the peaks in excess ACM are caused by the COVID-19 vaccinations, with a mean all-ages fatal toxicity by injection of vDFR = (0.126 ± 0.004) %, or approximately 1 death per 800 injections, which is reasonably expected to be globally representative.

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Did Pfizer-BioNTech ‘Placebo’ Vaccine Doses Contain Empty Lipids Without mRNA? -> https://dailysceptic.org/2024/01/24/did-pfizer-biontech-placebo-vaccine-doses-contain-empty-lipids-without-mrna/

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DNA Contamination in mRNA Shots With Jessica Rose, Ph.D.

https://rumble.com/v3ndch9-dna-contamination-in-mrna-shots-with-jessica-rose-ph.d..html (starts at 15 min)

After 3 years we still see new problems in these experimental injections.

Due to the production process the mRNA injections are mixed with large amounts of DNA. They can stay in the cells for a long time. But there are also other ingredients in it that promote cancer. Might even cause integration into the nucleus. This may be a good reason for turbo-cancer.

The production process has almost no quality control. And the process has a huge randomization of quality of RNA and quality of Lipid Nano Particles, which can give differences per injection. And may be the cause of differences per batch. Due to the differences, some batches may cause strong side-effects and some almost none.

The serums that were used in the trials were produced in a different way, and these major problems can only be seen in the public. Those problems were all censored by news media and social media. Even doctors and scientists were attacked for reporting on this.

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Here is an organized library of more than one thousand peer reviewed articles which show that Covid-19 "vaccines" are harmful.


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