How non-ionizing radiation affects biological systems (a technical approach)
Natural antennas are everywhere
There are some sites that report on damage to biological systems caused by non-ionizing radiation. - where you can find 100s of scientific studies showing the bad effects of EMF. - protests against the technology to prevent further harm - has some articles.
the Defender - several articles
Personally I do think that non-ionizing radiation can be harmful. But how can something that seems so universal harm you?
The technical basics
Ionizing radiation is radiation that splits molecules into ions. And we already know that at low levels this can be harmful. But what about non-ionizing radiation? From most sources we only learn that it may cause damage via heat.
In technical sense you need two things to make a biological system react to a non-ionizing electromagnetic wave:
1 - an antenna, which is anything that is conductive. The magnetic part of the wave can cause induction in a circular circuit. The electric part of the wave can cause a voltage difference between the poles of the antenna. They work best at certain wave lengths.
2 - A resonator. In a circuit we would see a capacitor and a spool. Something that resonates with the frequency and stores the energy from the electromagnetic wave. This stored energy can then later affect other biological systems in many ways. Due to the electro-chemical nature of biological systems, some of this can be hidden in the chemistry. Piezo-electric resonance is also possible. This is often used as clocks in silicon chips. Finally there is nuclear spin, but it is hard to tell how that translates to the biological system.
3 - An amplifier: Something that converts the electrical field into a biological reaction. In biological systems there are many things that react to the electrical field. There are lots of free ions. Lots of electrochemical sensitive systems. They can react locally to heating. The electrically polar structures can resonate or be broken.
Damage shown directly in experiments
First let me explain the different pathways in how non-ionizing EM-radiation have been shown to cause damage.
1 - Any EM-radiation can be ionizing, it depends on the power not just the frequency.
The most simple example is the spark-gap antenna.
A spark-gap antenna see wikipedia was the very first antenna that was discovered by Hertz. And by causing a spark in one machine, he could generate a spark in a different machine. A spark is the ionization of the air and can certainly be considered ionizing. But in literature the “ionizing radiation” is usually related to ultra-violet or X-rays. But as we can show “ionizing” can take place with any frequency.
2 - At a high level, plasma in cells can become conductive like a grape in a microwave.
See veritasium YouTube
This means that a low frequency EM-wave can cause ionization. And this ionization can create a very conductive area, which then can collect a lot of heat locally. So much that it starts radiating.
3 - Non-ionizing radiation can damage DNA.
Because DNA is conductive and reacts to electrical fields. This is more complex, so let me list the experiments:
Chemical engineers discover how to control knots that form in DNA molecules.
The MIT team found that they could manipulate knots in these pinned DNA molecules by varying the strength of the electric field.
CIA: Effects of non-ionizing radiation
p13: The effects of superhigh frequencies (accumulation of effects) Two weeks after the ending of exposure of rats to the 50 microwatt/cm2 field, the level of chromosome damage was considerably higher than after the end of the exposure. ..the chromosomal anomalies caused by irradiation from the 500 mircowatt/cm2 field markedly declined 2 weeks after the end of irradiation. This, can be explained by the fact that changes originating in the bone marrow cells under the effect of the high intensity of SHF radiation are so great that the damaged cells are eliminated. This leads to a reduction of the quantity of chromosomal damage.
4 - Electrical fields can push Ions through membranes and damage them. This is demonstrated in the experiments:
CIA: The effects of superhigh-frequency EM radiation on Electrophoretic mobility of erythrocytes
p1: (about previous experiment) We previously obtained direct experimental data on the effects of SHF waves on permeability of human erythocyte membranes to potassium and sodium ions. [These are also very active in the brain] Exposure of a suspension of erythrocytes to 45 mW/cm2 SHF radiation in the range of 1009 Mhz elicited an increase in amount of potassium ions and decrease in sodium ions in the incubation medium, as compared to the control...
5 - Electrical fields are related to regeneration and the shape of the organisms:
This is a far more complex phenomenon. The electrical fields seem very much involved in the shaping of our cells and our body. The video below lists the experiments that were showing this:
Video: the secret behind regeneration YouTube
Biological Antenna systems
For an antenna system you need 2 things. 1. Antenna 2 Amplifier or resonator. Together they determine which frequencies are received.
Antennas in biological systems: anything that is conductive.
1- DNA as a fractal antenna
2- The nerve-system
3- The ions in the blood streams
Probably many other pathways
These need further research!
1 - Microtubules may have certain resonating frequencies.
They may also be conductors.
From microscope images, I noticed that viruses follow these microtubules 2 - Micro-engines with electro-chemical actions
The mitochrondia contain micro-engines that generate ATP using electrical fields.
3 - Big molecular structures with electrical dipoles
1 - Any voltage gated ion channel. Calcium channels or the Synapses of the nerve system
Martin Pall: Electromagnetic field exposures act via calcium channels YouTube
Any change in the electrical fields can change how they function.
Problems with scientific research
1 - Current safety guidelines are based on the obsolete hypothesis that heating is the only harmful effect of EMFs. As Markov and Grigoriev have stated, “Today standards do not consider the real pollution of the environment with nonionizing radiation”.[94] Hundreds of scientists, including many signatories to this appeal, have proven that many different kinds of acute and chronic illnesses and injuries are caused without heating (“non-thermal effect”) from radiation levels far below international guidelines.9 Biological effects occur even at near-zero power levels. Effects that have been found at 0.02 picowatts (trillionths of a watt) per square centimetre or less include altered genetic structure in E. coli and in rats, altered EEG in humans , growth stimulation in bean plants, and stimulation of ovulation in chickens.
2 - Why Peer Review Panel and NTP Interpreted the Same Animal Data Differently
Now I am going to criticize some ideas that were spread recently about 5G ..
But feel free to investigate and discuss the things that you found.
I see a lot of horror stories circling around pretending to be real. This increases the division. That is why I educate how these are wrong
Covid and 5G - unrelated
The 5G is unrelated to covid. We can look at France (no 5G but high number of severe cases). Sadly the video explaining the information has been censored by youtube
There is also confusion of what and how much radiation is actually produced compared to wifi and 4G (and other factors). There are many different technologies in 5G and 6G, and most seem related to surveillance. We also need to look at other factors, like food, Vtiamin-A, B, C, D and medicine like HCQ/Ivermectin.
The reason why people thought that it was related, was because some of the symptoms seemed similar. And because 5G was started in Wuhan before the break-out. This was not true in all areas, but initiated a scare-wave.
The radiation of 5G and 4G and WIFI may reduce the natural immunity, may affect oxygen intake, and could have some influence in that sense. But it is not the same thing. People have no trouble breathing when they have their 5G phones near their own heads.
Vaccines and 5G - unrelated
The experimental injections falsely named "vaccines", are not containing any technology that could react to specific EM-frequencies. So there is no relationship between 5G and the "vaccines".
Here is my safety analysis for the experimental "vaccine". And I think that they are very harmful.
Does the experimental "vaccine" resonate with the 5G?
No. And this needs a tech person to understand why not. You need an antenna-system and a resonator or amplifier. Certain biological structures can act like an antenna. The voltage gated calcium channels are the amplifier. They amplify the electrical signal to a chemical change in the cells.
With graphene we see nothing of that.
What about the patents for magnetic graphene or self-assembling structures or the interface with the brain?
They are working on all kinds of technologies that can work with very specialized equipment in a laboratory. But in no way do they work outside the laboratory and without the specialized equipment.
Each new technology has a lot of limitations. And if you are worried about it, just look at those limitations first. It is usually one big hype. And they need the hype to get investors. So the makers of these patents pretend that it is all very advanced and working. But in reality it is never that easy.

"Magnetic vaccines"
The evidence for "magnetic skin vaccines" is very bad. You can verify this with magnetism measurements, but they only do it with small magnets or coins. Some of the videos are clearly faked for internet-points.
Here is magnetic boy Ivan with the very sticky skin
And this sticky skin may explain why the coins or magnets stick to the moist skin. It is probably related with the severe inflammation that the "vaccines" cause. And this is already a bad side-effect.
If you want to measure magnetism, you should measure with iron and with copper. And magnetic poles.
You also have magnetic cards that show you exactly how the field is located. Sticking things to the skin is not proof of anything. It just proofs that your skin is sticky.
I saw videos with people using bluetooth scanners to proof that there are bluetooth devices nearby. Like smart-lamps, fridge, TV-monitors and smart-phones. All these devices form a long list in a busy place. So these people claim falsely that people themselves are now blue-tooth devices… due to the injections. It is just crazy talk. Please stop that. You are only scanning the smart devices around you, of which there are so many today.
"graphene oxide"
The evidence for "graphene-oxide" is very weak. It is mainly hype mixed with science-fiction. It is based on a few researches finding something that “might” be graphene oxide. Or something else entirely. Additionally there are some patents about graphene-oxide on which mRNA is planted. There were plans to use these as vaccines.
Then there are many people looking with a microscope and find all kinds of pollution in the “vaccines”. It does not look like real graphene-oxide, which are single thin straps.
Whatever this is. This pollution should not be in there.
Note that real graphene is used in filters. It could come from the filters in the laboratory as it is advertised for usage in the lab. It can also come from masks or other sources. There is no quality assurance (QA) in the production, and pollution can be expected. Without proper QA, it should never be used in the first place.
There are indeed patents "to deliver vaccines with graphene into the cells". But that would need far more of these graphene strings than we see in the microscope. We would see billions of strings, not one or ten. They also look different.
I have seen all kinds of things in these microscope images:
a - weird strings of some kind in small amounts. (=pollution)
b -broken slices of some kind. Could be silicon-chip or glass. (=pollution)
c - cubic crystal structures that are probably caused by drying. Get a chemist to find out what they really are. They are not self-assembling technology. They are cubic crystals, so not 6-sided graphene/graphene-oxide.
d - big spheres that are actually very similar to CO2 bubbles under a microscope. Check out coca cola under microscope YouTube

Due to the hype and craze, I see a lot of videos about it that claim that the vaccine is related to 5G.
But as you can see above, there is no relationship.
And I think that the opposition is pushing the fear around this on purpose.
Partially by making a normal discussion and a normal investigation impossible.
Magnetic fields and apoptosis: a possible mechanism -
(paywalled You know the way..)
The potential therapeutic uses of electromagnetic fields (EMF), part of the nonionizing radiation spectrum, increase with time. Among them, those considering the potential antitumor effects exerted by the Magnetic Fields (MFs), part of the EMF entity, have gained more and more interest. A recent review on this subject reports the MFs’ effect on apoptosis of tumor cells as one of the most important breakthroughs. Apoptosis is considered a key mechanism regulating the genetic stability of cells and as such is considered of fundamental importance in cancer initiation and development. According to an atomic/sub-atomic analysis, based on quantum physics, of the complexity of biological life and the role played by oxygen and its radicals in cancer biology, a possible biophysical mechanism is described. The mechanism considers the influence of MFs on apoptosis through an effect on electron spin that is able to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) concentration. Impacting on the delicate balance between ROS production and ROS elimination in tumor cells is considered a promising cancer therapy, affecting different biological processes, such as apoptosis and metastasis. An analysis in the literature, which allows correlation between MFs exposure characteristics and their influence on apoptosis and ROS concentration, supports the validity of the mechanism.
Comments on Magnetic Fields & Cells -
Human Cells Vibrate With Resonant Frequency and It's Technically Audible