Darkhorse Podcast - Bret Speaks with Dr. Jessica Rose on the subject of the rift within the COVID dissident community regarding the existence of a novel pathogen.


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Scientists deliberately infected people with coronavirus. Here’s what happened


"all these people who were infected had mild disease"

From a different study in Ireland: People that have no symptoms usually help other people to gain immunity.

It is similar to a cold. That is why almost everything in the world was shut down. ;-/

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Doctors Fareed and Tyson have collectively treated 20,000 COVID cases with no deaths. Do you know why it's not in the peer-reviewed literature?


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Whistleblower - I did not know that people would die so quickly and so horribly until they rolled out the mxRNA injections


05:00 - Testing without Symptoms was never done before.

09:00 - Wrong settings were killing people on the vents.

09:50 - They kept testing until PCR came up positive.

11:00 - They knew that Remdesevir would cause kidney damage. But blamed Covid.

12:27 - "They all ended up with kidney failure within a few days."

18:00 - Q: "Do you believe that people (..) were killed?" A: "100%"

19:35 - "Don't go to hospital they are killing people"

19:50 - "I did not know that people would die so quickly and so horribly until they rolled out the mxRNA injections"

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NHS Whistleblower: ‘We were ordered to “Euthanise” Patients to falsely increase COVID Death Counts while Hospitals were Empty’


What the nurses saw. Gail Macrae -> https://kirschsubstack.com/p/the-single-most-important-interview

More nurses-> https://kirschsubstack.com/p/epic-4-hour-vsrf-episode-what-the

Midazolam: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a609014.html

Midazolam injection may cause serious or life-threatening breathing problems such as shallow, slowed, or temporarily stopped breathing that may lead to permanent brain injury or death. You should only receive this medication in a hospital or doctor’s office that has the equipment that is needed to monitor your heart and lungs and to provide life-saving medical treatment quickly if your breathing slows or stops. Your doctor or nurse will watch you closely after you receive this medication to make sure that you are breathing properly.

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Mass Murdering Of The Elderly; "Midazolam (paralytic) depresses respiration and it hastens death. It changes end-of-life care into euthanasia." - Professor Patrick Pullicino


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What happened in the Hospitals?

Nurse Gail Macrae reveals stunning facts about the COVID vax and protocols [Steve Kirsch]


1. Protocols were killing people. 2. Deaths from vax were forbidden to be officially reported. 3. Deaths were by default listed under unvaxed.

Reason: Many people have died because doctors and nurses were too afraid to lose their jobs.

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Is Covid more dangerous than the Flu? - Midwestern Doctor


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The Death Penalty Drugs Used By Care Homes in 2020 - https://thedailybeagle.substack.com/p/the-death-penalty-drugs-used-by-care

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Ivor Cummins in April 2020 - (2 minute clip) - The real COVID risk was obvious from the start. https://odysee.com/@IvorCummins:f/ivor-in-april-2020-must-watch-2-minute:a

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Patients are mistreated and murdered in for-profit hospitals.. The reward for covid treatments and deaths is very high. Additionally they may get a bonus for the injections - https://rumble.com/v1j9769-attempted-murder-mayos-chief-medical-officer-under-investigation-for-treatm.html

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Better give some complements to your wife to clear things up: https://rumble.com/v1eiwkh-how-to-not-give-compliments-to-your-wife.html

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yes, there is no covid, there is no covid, there is no covid!!! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/there-is-no-covid


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Glad I found your site! Love the graphs and sources. You might also be interested in these pages:

1379+ examples of Co.vid fraud with source links. Suspicious things and outright fraud. People who don't even show up for a test still get a positive test, a lab is double reporting positive lab tests. People die from cancer or something else but it's still counted as a coronavirus death, death certificates are changed to COVID after being filled out to inflate the numbers. Fruit and goat also test positive, but the test does not work on them. Hospitals get paid $77,000 for each Covid patient admitted so politicians can shift the blame to hospitals. The inventor of the PCR test said it is not to be used to diagnose whether a person has a disease. HTML: http://wordsalad.info/tag-coronavirusfraud.html

33+ cases of fraud related only to coronavirus data. https://wordsalad.info/tag-coronavirusdatafraud.html

44+ pieces of evidence that COVID-19 was man made, including it has some DNA segments that ONLY appear in the HIV virus. https://wordsalad.info/tag-coronavirusmanmade.html

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A good round up.


Thank you.

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